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Surely I won't write a news after each match, but it was our first one (without having any train before *lol*0)
We played vs. 4what and won on l4d_vs_farm03_bridge with an overall score of 1455:287.
Maybe we find some in our team to write some comments for the first match ;)
gg 4what |
So far 5 comments have been written to this news!
Wednesday, the 25.February 2009 at 09:00:03 |
Wednesday, the 25.February 2009 at 09:39:12 |
chili u write something! u be the ass for everything, so is it as leader! :> grats |
Wednesday, the 25.February 2009 at 11:27:01 |
grats on the first match :D |
Wednesday, the 25.February 2009 at 23:36:45 |
Thursday, the 26.February 2009 at 21:05:09 |
Match report is now written. |
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