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[ 25.01.2025, 10:34:49 ] [ 89 Besucher Online ] [ Anonymous ]





Electronic Sports League

ESL: Soldiers at Work [] vs. All games fun [] 3-0 01.04.2009, 21:00
Map Score Server Spieler
NM1 1096 Unbekannt 4
NM2 1456 Unbekannt 4
NM3 1585 Unbekannt 4
NM4 Unbekannt 4

Statistik Kommentare: 2 Screens
Kommentare zu diesem Clanwar  
Es gibt bisher 2 Kommentare zu diesem Match!

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Mittwoch, den 1.April 2009 um 23:15:45  
[S@W] Loffy http://www.saw-clan.com
We played the first three maps on the No Mercy Campaign against the clan AF and won with the score 4137 against 2591.
Round 1: 1096 - 1160
Round 2: 1456 - 1337
Round 3: 1585 - 94
Totalt: 4137 - 2591

They had to play the last round with only three players because one of them lost connection. We waited 3-4 minutes but they did not manage to fix the problem. After the third round, they gave up.

Screenshot not available for the final result.

Will try and upload scores to ESL League tonight or tomorrow, if I can find the right ESL page.

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Mittwoch, den 1.April 2009 um 23:16:39  
[S@W] Loffy http://www.saw-clan.com
We (Loffy, Saint, Drako and Ghost) played the first three maps on the No Mercy Campaign against the clan AF and won with the score 4137 against 2591.
Round 1: 1096 - 1160
Round 2: 1456 - 1337
Round 3: 1585 - 94
Totalt: 4137 - 2591

They had to play the last round with only three players because one of them lost connection. We waited 3-4 minutes but they did not manage to fix the problem. After the third round, they gave up.

Screenshot not available for the final result.

Will try and upload scores to ESL League tonight or tomorrow, if I can find the right ESL page.

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  wotr² 2:0
  IFS 1:3
  =|AF|= 3-0
  OMG! 0:2
  eQu 1:5
  n2o 17:1
  Blame 2:0
  L4R 4:1
  Vale 0:2
  plan-~ 17:13
Hits: 20650846

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