Current Leagues:
cp_badlands |
5:2 |
unknown |
6 |
cp_dustbowl |
6:1 |
unknown |
6 |
Clanwar history of all matches of both clans |
Nr. |
Date |
Type |
Map 1 |
Map 2 |
Map 3 |
Map 4 |
Score |
Statistic |
Clanwars |
2 |
Won |
2 (100%) |
Drawn |
0 (0%) |
Lost |
0 (0%) |
Best streak |
2 Wins |
Worst streak |
0 Loss |
Current streak |
2 Wins |
Teamscore |
19:8 (2.4) |
Maps |
cp_dustbowl 1x cp_badlands 1x pl_frontier_b2 1x cp_granray 1x
Best maps |
cp_dustbowl 100.0% cp_badlands 100.0% pl_frontier_b2 100.0% cp_granray 100.0%